1. When you sleep you’re brain recharges, your cells repair themselves, your body releases important hormones, your body temperature and heart rate decrease. You also need a period of sleep to consolidate your memories – this is one reason why cramming all-nighters for exams is a bad idea.
2. We all need different amount of sleep depending upon our ages
Babies--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 hours
Children 3-12 yrs --------------------------------------- 10 hours
Teens 13- 20 yrs ---------------------------------------- 10 hours
Adults 21 - 65 yrs --------------------------------8 hours
Seniors +65 yrs --------------------- 6 hours or less
3. Dreaming is an important part of sleep. Without dreams we don’t feel rested. Men have dreams about other men 70% of the time. Women dream equally about men and women. 12% of people dream only in black and white.
4. One in four couples sleep in separate beds.
5. Animals sleep different lengths. Kolas, brown bats, and pangolins sleep 18 to 22 hours a day. While giraffes, roe deer and Asiatic elephants sleep 1.9 to 3.1 hours a day. Giraffes sleep for only 5- 10 minute increments. Talk about a power nap!
6. Dolphins have an incredible brain. When they sleep, only half of their brain sleeps. The other half stays awake to monitor their breathing cycles.
7. Do blind people dream in colour? Well it depends on when they went blind. People who are born blind experience dreams involving their four senses, sounds, smell, touch and emotions. Those who went blind later in life still see images when they dream.
8. We remember our dreams most accurately just upon waking it up. If you want to remember your dreams remind yourself to do so before you go to sleep and night. Then in the morning quickly write down your dream as soon as you wake up. 5 minutes after waking up you’re already forgotten 50% of your dream. 10 minutes later its 90% disappeared.
9. We so desperately need our sleep. Sleep deprivation is harmful! It can lead to personally changes and negative health consequences. Changes can be seen within as little as 10 days.
10. Having trouble falling asleep? There is truth to having a warm glass of milk before bed. Consuming too much alcohol will interfere with a good night’s rest. Stop eating at least 3 hours before you sleep. Get the TV out of your bedroom à never give a child or teen a TV in their room. Prepare for sleep by starting to settle down and relaxing at least 30 minutes before you want to sleep. A cool room can help you get a better night‘s sleep. Black out curtains can help to keep light out which may prevent you from waking up too early.
Sweet Dreams