There are three basic ways people respond when they are overwhelmed. Which one do you do?
1. Get angry or agitated?. You may feel hot, overly emotional, and unable to sit still. Jumpy and ready to go?
2. Do you get withdrawn or depressed stress response or silent? You shut down, space out. Even if the house is burning down around you, you’ll show very little energy or emotion.
3. Do you go between both being agitated and withdrawn? You may “freeze” under pressure and feel helpless or paralyzed. But under that frozen exterior you’re extremely agitated?
Next time before you blow a fuse and rage at the world or leave everyone wondering if you care try to avoid becoming overwhelmed.
Here are some steps you can take to hold off stress before it peaks.
1) Learn how to say “no thank you”
There are no prizes for over committing yourself. It is OK to set healthy boundaries and limits for yourself in both your private and professional life. You will thank yourself for saying no to too many activities and events.
2) Avoid people who stress you out
While it would be great if you could get along with everyone, it’s healthier for yourself and your family to no longer bring people who cause chaos into your lives. If someone regularly causes stress or chaos in your life, limit the amount of time you spend with them or end the relationship entirely.
3) Choose your conversations carefully
While you may be passionate about a certain politician or topic avoid bringing up these topics if it’s going to set off a confrontation. There is no point expecting your liberal minded relatives to agree to your super ultra conservative view on life or vice versa. Enjoy your controversial topics with those who are open to discussing them in a civil manner.
4) Choose to control or limit your exposure to stressful situations
Do you find driving in rush hour stressful does the evening news make you anxious, does listening to news just before bedtime whined you up instead of getting you ready for a good nigh sleep? If driving in rush hour stresses you out see if you can do flex hours to come to work earlier or leave after rush hour. Choose to read the news instead of being exposed to all the sights and sounds of global turmoil. Make choices that benefit you and your lifestyle.
5) Learn mediation or other stress relieving techniques
Life can be overwhelming and at times we could all use a break from all that excitement. How do you relax? what hobbies or activities do you do to recharge yourself? Find an activity that works for you so you give your mind and body a break from your everyday life. Take the time to discover how you bring calmness back into your life. Simple breathing exercises can slow you down and help re centre yourself. Mediation is a great way of clearing our your mind and can provide you with clarity. Turn off your cell phone and truly enjoy your lunch hour. Look for little ways to bring calmness into your life.
6) Take responsibility for your choices and actions
We are all free human beings. Everyday we make choices, we choose to get up, we choose to sleep in, we choose to go to work or we choose to call in sick or even just not show up. Even with others we have choices. We choose to please others, give in to their needs and demand and ignore our own needs and desires. I am not talking about caring for your toddler here but how you behave towards other adults or young adults. You are doing whatever you’re doing because you chose to, not because someone is forcing you. You may be aware of the motivation behind your choices or not but it is a choice you have made.